2024-25 Absolute Blast Teams


10u Trueblood

Head Coach:  Cassie Trueblood

Assistant Coaches:   Aaron Smith and Chelsea Jordan
Pitching Coach:  Stephen Richie



Head Coach:   Stacy Wiggins

Assistant Coaches:  Chris Dwyer and Josh Burch


14U Reynolds

Head Coach:  Shane Reynolds

Assistant Coaches:  Bridget Concannon, Ken Goodwin, Marshal Hagen, and Makenna Kilpatrick

Front Row:  Riu Hanrahan, Holly Pettitt, Jenna Nowak, Zoey Cooper, Payton Aldridge, Sophia Jeske and Amelie LaPorte-Manahan.   Back row:  Izzy Webster, Paityn Craig, Delanie Gilda, Kylie Ayling, Kylie Eggert, Charlee Rydberg and Piper Soden.

16U Pettitt/Jeske

Co-Head Coaches:  Chad Pettitt and James Jeske

Assistant Coaches: Kris Eggert and Tom Hanrahan

No team photo available.

16U Dalgren

Head Coach:  Matt Dahlgren

Assistant Coaches:   Sammy Ruiz and Steve Enich

Team Manager / Recruiting Coordinator:  Andy Rafferty

Photo is 2023-24 team.   2025 Photo fill be posted when available.

18u Rhinehart / Voodoo

Head Coach: Clint Rhinehart

Assistant Coaches: Nolan Radke and Taylor Rhinehart